Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
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Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 14 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 12 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 13 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 10 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 9 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 8 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 7 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 6 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
Read More »Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Episode 5 Subtitle Indonesia
Oroka na Tenshi wa Akuma to Odoru Akutsu Masatora is a demon who has infiltrated a high school in the human world. His goal is to find candidates to aid Hell in the fight against their natural enemies, the angels of Heaven. Assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, another …
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